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Effect of Gas Pressure on the Oxidation Behavior of Cu and Cu Alloys
구리 및 구리 합금의 산화 거동에 미치는 기압의 영향
Jun Sang Park, Doo-won Kim, Il-Seok Jeong, Eun-Ae Choi, Se Hun Kwon, Seung Zeon Han
박준상, 김두원, 정일석, 최은애, 권세훈, 한승전
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2025;63(2):85-94.   Published online 2025 Feb 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2025.63.2.85

This study investigated the effect of gas pressure and alloying elements on the oxidation behavior of copper. Copper alloys containing 1 wt.% of zinc, nickel, or manganese were cast using vacuum induction melting, followed by solution treatment at 400°C for 60 minutes. Oxidation were conducted at 700°C for 60 minutes..... More

High Temperature Wear Property of Ta-10W Alloy
Ta-10W 합금의 고온 마모 특성
Tae-Hoon Kang, Jung Hyo Park, Kyu-Sik Kim, Kee-Ahn Lee
강태훈, 박정효, 김규식, 이기안
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(10):827-835.   Published online 2024 Oct 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.10.827

This study investigated the high-temperature wear characteristics of Ta-10W alloy, composed of 90% tantalum and 10% tungsten, known for its high melting point, excellent corrosion resistance, and oxidation resistance. Wear tests were conducted using a ball-on-disc method with alumina balls at temperatures of 200°C, 400°C, 600°C, and 700°C. The results..... More

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Effect of Grain Size on High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of IN792 Superalloy
IN792 초내열 합금의 고온 산화 거동에 미치는 결정립 크기의 영향
Ji-Ye Bang, Dong-Hyun Lee, Soo Yeol Lee
방지예, 이동현, 이수열
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2024;62(4):267-274.   Published online 2024 Mar 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2024.62.4.267

It is known that Ni-based superalloys possess superior mechanical properties in high-temperature and high-pressure environments. One of the drawbacks of these alloys is their tendency to oxidize at high temperatures. Improving their oxidation properties and obtaining a fundamental understanding of the underlying mechanism of their oxidation behavior are critical for..... More

Effect of High Temperature Oxidation on Surface Pit and Recrystallization of Directionally Solidified CM247LC Superalloy in Creep Gauge
일방향 응고 CM247LC 초내열합금 크리프 시편 게이지에서 고온 산화가 표면 피트 및 재결정 형성에 미치는 영향
Byung Hak Choe, Kwang Soo Choi, Sung Hee Han, Dae Hyun Kim, Jong Kee Ahn, Dong Su Kang, Seong-Moon Seo
최병학, 최광수, 한성희, 김대현, 안종기, 강동수, 서성문
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(12):951-957.   Published online 2023 Nov 30
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.12.951

This study analyzed a recrystallization phenomenon that occurred simultaneously with hightemperature oxidation on the surface of a directionally solidified CM247LC creep specimen, using optical and scanning electron microscopy. After heat treatment, the surface of the specimen subjected to the creep test at 982oC was oxidized by exposure to high temperature..... More

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The Effect of Ni Interlayer Formation Plating Bath on the Suppression of Oxidation of Ag-Coated Cu Flakes
Ag 코팅 Cu 플레이크의 산화 억제에 미치는 Ni interlayer 형성 도금욕의 영향
Ji Hwan Kim, Jong-Hyun Lee
김지환, 이종현
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(10):748-759.   Published online 2023 Sep 25
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.10.748

To suppress Ag dewetting from around 200 oC in Ag-coated Cu (Cu@Ag) flakes, Ag and Ni-coated Cu (Cu@Ni@Ag) flakes were fabricated by successive Ni and Ag electroless plating. The Ni bath type was an important consideration to induce differences in the Ag dewetting and resultant Cu oxidation. An acid Ni..... More

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Lab-scale Process Parameter Determination of a Two-stage DRI (direct reduced iron) Process Using Reformed COG (coke oven gas)
개질된 COG (coke oven gas)를 이용한 2단 DRI (direct reduced iron) 공정의 공정변수 결정
Min Jeong Ko, Su Young Kim, Jong-Oh Jo, Jae-Rang Lee, Yong Ha Kim, Yong Sun Won
고민정, 김수영, 조종오, 이재랑, 김용하, 원용선
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2023;61(8):573-580.   Published online 2023 Jul 24
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2023.61.8.573

On the road to carbon neutrality, a great deal of attention is being paid to emerging technologies such as the DRI (direct reduced iron) process. This study proposes a two-stage DRI process using reformed COG (coke oven gas), and determined optimal process parameters. The reduction and carbonization of Carajás iron..... More

Enhanced High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of the Conventional Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr Alloy through Carbon Pack Cementation and Analysis of the Carbon Diffusion Path
탄소 팩 세멘테이션 (Pack cementation) 공정을 통한 상용 Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr 합금의 고온 내산화성 개선과 탄소 확산 경로 해석
Donghyeon Kim, Kwangsu Choi, Joonsik Park, Seonghoon Yi
김동현, 최광수, 박준식, 이승훈
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(10):723-731.   Published online 2022 Sep 29
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.10.723

γ-TiAl alloys have attracted interest as lightweight materials for structural applications at temperatures below 800 o C. With recent improvements in microstrutural control of the γ-TiAl alloys, resulting in excellent creep properties and high temperature strength, their use can be extended to temperatures higher than 800 o C. To increase..... More

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Surface Characteristics of Dental Implant Doped with Si, Mg, Ca, and P Ions via Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
Seon-Yeong Paek, Han-Cheol Choe
박선영, 최한철
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2022;60(4):263-271.   Published online 2022 Mar 28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2022.60.4.263

The surface characteristics of a dental implant doped with Si, Mg, Ca, and P ions via plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) were investigated using various experimental instruments. Plasma electrolytic oxidation of the alloy was performed in a solution containing Ca, P, Si, and Mg ions at 280 V for 3 min...... More

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Oxidation Stabilization of ZrFe Alloys in Nitrogen Gas Atmosphere
질소 5N 가스 분위기에서 다공질 ZrFe 합금의 산화 안정화
Kwangbae Kim, Saera Jin, Yesol Lim, Hyunjun Lee, Seonghoon Kim, Yunyoung Noh, Ohsung Song
김광배, 진새라, 임예솔, 이현준, 김성훈, 노윤영, 송오성
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(10):753-759.   Published online 2021 Sep 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.10.753

A porous ZrFe alloy specimen was prepared as a 6 × 3 mm (diameter × thickness) disk. The reaction of the ZrFe alloy was confirmed while the whole system was maintained at a target temperature, which was increased from 150 oC to 950 oC in a 99.999% low purity nitrogen..... More

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Effective Method for Preparing Low-Oxygen Titanium Ingot by Combined Powder Deoxidation and Vacuum Arc Melting Processes
Jung-Min Oh, Jaeyeol Yang, Jaesik Yoon, Jae-Won Lim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2021;59(3):149-154.   Published online 2021 Feb 19
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2021.59.3.149

In this study, an effective method is demonstrated for fabricating titanium sputtering targets, which are used to fabricate thin films in the semiconductor industry. The method is an alternative to the existing electron beam melting (EBM) process under high vacuum. Titanium sputtering targets used in the production of semiconductors must..... More

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Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of NiCrY<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Alloy Sintered Powder Composed of Oxide-Embedded Metallic Particles
Changjae Kim, Jungho Gwak, Jaewon Lim, Minsuk Oh, Jeshin Park
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(12):843-851.   Published online 2020 Dec 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.12.843

In this study, oxide (Y2O3)-embedded Ni particles were fabricated via a new process. The process involves the mechanical hydrogenation of Ni–Y alloy into Ni–YH2 and the selective oxidation of Ni–YH2 to Ni–Y2O3. The alloy powders were prepared for sintering by the mechanical alloying of a mixed powder. The powder was..... More

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Facile Synthesis of ZnO Thin Films at Low Temperatures Using an Additive-Free Electrochemical Oxidation Method
Euije Jo, Dongwan Kim, Jae-Young Leem
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(9):645-652.   Published online 2020 Aug 13
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.9.645

Because of their simplicity and low equipment costs, various oxidation methods can be used to create metal oxides, but they still require long processing times and/or high temperatures. In this study, a new electrochemical oxidation (ECO) method, which oxidizes metal in DI water with a constant flowing current to both..... More

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Microstructures and Oxidation Behaviors of Silicide Coated Nb Alloys by Halide Activated Pack Cementation Process
Halide activated pack cementation에 의한 silicide 코팅층의 형성에 따른 Nb 합금의 산화거동
Wonchul Yang, Choong-Heui Chung, Sangyeob Lee, Kyeong Ho Baek, Youngmoo Kim, Seong Lee, Joon Sik Park
양원철, 정중희, 이상엽, 백경호, 김영무, 이성, 박준식
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(8):507-514.   Published online 2020 Aug 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.8.507

In this study, we tried to improve the oxidation resistance of Nb-12Si (wt%) alloys at 1200 °C or higher through pack cementation coatings. Nb-12Si (wt%) alloys were prepared by arc-melting under Ar atmosphere. When the alloys were coated using pack powder mixtures composed of Si, Al2O3 and NaF, two silicide..... More

Oxidation of Ni-Cr-Co-Al-Mo-Ti-Re-Ta-W-Ru Single Crystals at 1000 <sup>o</sup>C in Air
Ni-Cr-Co-Al-Mo-Ti-Re-Ta-W-Ru 단결정의 대기중 1000 oC에서의 산화
Junhee Hahn, Xiao Xiao, Dong Bok Lee
한준희, Xiao Xiao, 이동복
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(4):234-246.   Published online 2020 Mar 11
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.4.234

Three kinds of Ni-based single crystals with the compositions of 63.8Ni-7.5Cr-5.1Co-4.8Al-1.9Mo- 0.9Ti-3Re-11.8Ta-1.2W, 61.4Ni-7.4Cr-5Co-4.8Al-1.8Mo-0.9Ti-3.1Re-11.6Ta-4W, and 60.9Ni-7.5Cr-5Co-4.8Al- 2Mo-1Ti-2.9Re-10.9Ta-1.2W-3.8Ru, in wt%, were cast in a Bridgman furnace. In the cast alloys, Cr, Co, Re, Mo, W, and Ru became microsegregated in dendrites consisting of γ-Ni, while Ni, Ta, and Al microsegregated in interdendrites..... More

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Long-time Oxidation of Ti<sub>3</sub>(Al,Si)C<sub>2</sub> Carbides at 400-800 <sup>o</sup>C
Junhee Hahn, Sang Whan Park, Dong Bok Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(3):182-189.   Published online 2020 Mar 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.3.182

Quarternay carbides of Ti3AlxSi1-xC2 (x=0.3, 0.5, and 0.7) were oxidized at 400, 600, and 800 °C for 0.5-6 months in order to study their long-time oxidation behavior in air. When they were oxidized at 400-600 oC for 0.5-3 months, oxidation proceeded relatively slowly with moderate weight gains. However, further oxidation..... More

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Corrosion Characteristics of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Treated AZ31 Magnesium Alloy with an Increase of the Coating Thickness
AZ31 마그네슘 합금의 플라즈마전해 산화막 두께 성장에 따른 내식특성
Boeun Choi, Wonsub Chung, Yonghwan Kim
최보은, 정원섭, 김용환
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2020;58(2):87-96.   Published online 2020 Jan 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2020.58.2.87

The growth of the PEO coating with processing time on an AZ31B magnesium alloy in a dilute alkaline electrolyte containing silicate and the corrosion characteristics according to its thickness were investigated. The oxide film grew a porous outer layer mainly consisting of silicate with the spark discharge phenomenon from the..... More

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High-Temperature Corrosion of Ti-44Al-6Nb-2Cr-0.3Si-0.1C Alloy in 0.2%SO<sub>2</sub>/Ar Gas
Ti-44Al-6Nb-2Cr-0.3Si-0.1C 합금의 0.2%SO2/Ar가스에서의 고온부식
Shi Yuke, Xiao Xiao, Seong Woong Kim, Jae Keun Hong, Junhee Hahn, Dong Bok Lee
Shi Yuke, Xiao Xiao, 김성웅, 홍재근, 한준희, 이동복
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(10):648-655.   Published online 2019 Sep 23
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.10.648

Cast Ti–44Al–6Nb–2Cr–0.3Si–0.1C alloy having good air-oxidation resistance was corroded under 1 atm of flowing 0.2%SO2/Ar gas at 900-1100 oC for 50-300 h in order to examine its corrosion behavior in a SO2-containing environment, because SO2 is an industrially important by-product in the field of combustion and processing of fossil fuels...... More

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High-Temperature Oxidation of Fe-12Cr-0.3C-4Mn-(13-15)Cu Composite Alloys
Min Jung Kim, Sang-Hwan Bak, Junhee Hahn, Seon Jin Kim, Dong Bok Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(9):575-581.   Published online 2019 Aug 21
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.9.575

Alloys of Fe-12Cr-0.3C-4Mn-(13, 14, 15)Cu (wt%) were cast using an induction furnace. They were structurally heterogeneous composites that consisted of a relatively stiff α-Fe matrix and a soft (Cu, Mn)-rich secondary phase. They were developed as self-lubricating, wear-resistant metals. Since the formation of oxides plays an important role in wear,..... More

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Effect of Anodic Oxidation Process Parameters on TiO<sub>2</sub> Nanotube Formation in Ti-6Al-4V Alloys
Ti-6Al-4V합금에서 양극산화 공정변수가 TiO2 나노튜브 형성에 미치는 영향
Seung-Yeon Yoo, Hyun Gyoon Park
유승연, 박현균
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(8):521-528.   Published online 2019 Jul 11
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.8.521

To investigate the effect of anodic oxidation process parameters on TiO2 nanotube formation in Ti-6Al-4V alloys, the composition of NH4F and H2O in the anodic oxidation processes were changed under the conditions of constant DC power ranging from 20 V to 60V and current density ranging from 10 mA to..... More

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Effect of Ni and Cu Addition on Corrosion Behaviors of Pre-Oxidized Ultra-Strong Steel for Automotive Applications
Ni 및 Cu 첨가가 고온 산화된 자동차용 초고강도 강재의 부식 거동에 미치는 영향
Seung Min Ryu, Hwan Goo Seong, Jeong Kil Kim, Joong-Ki Hwang, Man Jae Lee, Min-Suk Oh, Sung Jin Kim
류승민, 성환구, 김정길, 황중기, 이만재, 오민석, 김성진
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(6):343-351.   Published online 2019 May 16
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.6.343

The incomplete elimination of oxide scale formed during the normalizing process can result in severe degradation of the surface and mechanical properties of ultra-strong steels. This study revealed that the formation of oxide scale was highly dependent upon the alloying elements Ni and Cu. Ni-bearing steel showed a much higher..... More

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Oxidation Behaviors of Alloys Containing /B2 Phases of Ti-45Al-Mo-Nb Alloys and Evaluation of the Oxidation Behaviors of Si Pack Cementation Coated Alloys
β/B2상을 포함한 Ti-Al-Mo-Nb 합금의 산화 거동과 실리콘 화합물 코팅을 통한 내산화성 개선
Kwangsu Choi, Youngbuem Song, Seonghoon Yi, Joon Sik Park
최광수, 송영범, 이승훈, 박준식
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2019;57(3):131-137.   Published online 2019 Feb 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2019.57.3.131

Alloys containing the β/B2 phases of Ti-45Al-3Mo, Ti-45Al-3Mo-2Nb and Ti-45Al-5Mo were prepared using an vacuum arc-melting machine. Heat-treatments were carried out at 1250 oC in an Ar atmosphere. The temperature of 1250 oC is the temperature region of phase α + γ + (β/B2), and the heat treatment condition which..... More

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Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO/TiO<sub>2</sub> Photocatalyst Decorated with PbS QDs for the Degradation of Aniline Blue Solution
Jong-Ho Lee, Hong-Joo Ahn, Jeong-Il Youn, Young-Jig Kim, Su-Jeong Suh, Han-Jun Oh
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(12):900-909.   Published online 2018 Dec 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.12.900

A ZnO/TiO2 photocatalyst decorated with PbS quantum dots (QDs) was synthesized to achieve high photocatalytic efficiency for the decomposition of dye in aqueous media. A TiO2 porous layer, as a precursor photocatalyst, was fabricated using micro-arc oxidation, and exhibited irregular porous cells with anatase and rutile crystalline structures. Then, a..... More

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High-temperature Oxidation of Hot-dip Aluminized 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel
Muhammad Ali Abro, Junhee Hahn, Dong Bok Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(5):350-359.   Published online 2018 May 8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.5.350

When 2.25Cr-1Mo steel was hot-dip aluminized, a coating consisting of (Al-rich topcoat)/(Al13Fe4 layer)/(Al5Fe2 layer) formed. With increment of oxidation temperature, the transform of Al→Al13Fe4→Al5Fe2→AlFe→AlFe3→α-Fe(Al)→α-Fe occurred through interdiffusion between the coating and the substrate as follows. The oxidation at 700 oC changed the coating to (α-Al2O3 scale)/(α-Al2O3, Al13Fe4, Al5Fe2)-mixed layer)/(Al5Fe2 layer)/(AlFe..... More

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High-temperature Corrosion of CrAlSiN Thin Films in N<sub>2</sub>/0.1%H2S Gas
Muhammad Ali Abro, Junhee Hahn, Dong Bok Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(4):272-279.   Published online 2018 Apr 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.4.272

Cr25.2Al19.5Si4.7N50.5 thin films were deposited on steel substrates by cathodic arc plasma deposition. They consisted of alternating fcc-Cr(Al)N/hcp-Al(Cr,Si)N nanolayers. They were corroded at 900 and 1000 oC for 5-100 h in N2/0.1%H2S gas atmosphere. Their corrosion mechanism, the structure of the formed scales, and the role of film-constituting elements during..... More

Efficacy of Acid Cleaning on the Deoxidation of Titanium Powder Using Calcium
Chon-Il Hong, Jae-Won Lim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2018;56(3):205-209.   Published online 2018 Mar 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2018.56.3.205

The optimum acid cleaning conditions for removing CaO formed by the reaction of Ca with Ti powder were investigated in this study. In this experiment, we used Ti powders composed of irregular polygonal Ti particles with average sizes of 125 mm and 250 μm. Ca granules were charged at 50%..... More

Effect of Mn, Si, and Sb on High-temperature Oxidation of Fe-Mn-Al-Si-Sb-C Steels
Fe-Mn-Al-Si-Sb-C 강의 고온산화에 미치는 Mn, Si, Sb 첨가효과
Soon Yong Park, Dong Bok Lee
박순용, 이동복
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):308-314.   Published online 2017 May 9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.5.308

High Mn twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steels with compositions of Fe-(18.0-18.17) Mn-1.51Al-(0.48-0.52)Si-(0.61-0.62)C-(0.52-0.54)Cr-(0.22-0.23)Ni-0.03Nb-(0-0.04)Sb (wt%) are oxidized at 650 ℃ and 750 ℃ for < 24 h in air in order to determine the effect of the alloying elements on the oxidation. They are oxidized parabolically to MnO2,Mn2O3,FeO,Fe2O3, and FeMn2O4 oxides with relatively..... More

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Factors Influencing Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation(PEO) Coatings on Magnesium Alloys: A Review
마그네슘 합금의 플라스마전해산화 코팅에 영향을 미치는 제반 요소들에 대한 고찰
Gunchoo Shim
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(5):296-307.   Published online 2017 May 9
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.5.296
Magnesium alloys, which possess excellent specific strength and castability, are highly susceptible to corrosion. Although anodizing is widely used to resolve this problem, it requires toxic electrolytes and produces relatively thin and weak surface coatings. Recently, plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) has emerged as an alternative to anodizing. Although it is... More
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Effects of Melting Conditions on Cerium oxidation state and Catalytic Behavior on Cerium Phosphate Glasses
세륨 인산염계 유리에서 세륨의 산화수와 촉매특성에 대한 용융조건의 영향
Ju-Hyeong Kim, Dae-Sung Kim, Bong-Ki Ryu
김주형, 김대성, 류봉기
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2017;55(2):144-149.   Published online 2017 Feb 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.2.144

As with any solvent, stabilizing a multivalent element at a given oxidation level in the glass depends on the thermodynamic conditions. The effects of temperature in the oxidation-reduction equilibrium have been previously noted with higher temperatures being conductive to reduced states. 30Ce2O-70P2O5 binary system glasses were prepared. The effects of..... More

Corrosion & Surface Treatment
High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Mg-5% Ca-1% Zn Alloys
Kwon Yong Ji, Dong Bok Lee
Korean J. Met. Mater. 2016;54(9):645-651.   Published online 2016 Sep 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2016.54.9.645

Pure Mg, Mg-5wt%Ca, and Mg-5wt%Ca-1wt%Zn alloys were cast, and their high-temperature oxidation behavior was investigated to determine the roles of Ca and Zn in oxidation. Ca and Zn additions refined the microstructure by formation of Mg2Ca and Ca2Mg6Zn3, respectively, at grain boundaries. Ca increased the oxidation resistance by forming a..... More

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