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Korean Journal of Metals and Materials > Volume 55(4); 2017 > Article
Korean Journal of Metals and Materials 2017;55(4): 290-295. doi: https://doi.org/10.3365/KJMM.2017.55.4.290
연속섬유 방사 조건에 따른 AR-glass 섬유의 물리적 특성
이지선1,2, 이미재1, 임태영1, 이영진1, 전대우1, 현승균2, 김진호1
1한국세라믹기술원 광・디스플레이소재센터
2인하대학교 신소재공학과
Physical Properties of AR-Glass Fibers in Continuous Fiber Spinning Conditions
Ji-Sun Lee1,2, MiJai Lee1, Tae-Young Lim1, Youngjin Lee1, Dae-Woo Jeon1, Soong-Keun Hyun2, Jin-Ho Kim1
1Optic & Display Material Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Jinju 52851, Republic of Korea
2Department of Materials science and Engineering, Inha University, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea
Correspondence  Jin-Ho Kim ,Tel: +82-55-792-2483, Email: jhkim@kicet.re.kr
Received: 13 September 2016;  Accepted: 13 December 2016.  Published online: 6 April 2017.
In this study, a glass fiber is fabricated using a continuous spinning process from alkali resistant (AR) glass with 4 wt% zirconia. In order to confirm the melting properties of the marble glass, the raw material is placed into a Pt crucible and melted at 1650 ℃ for 2 h, and then annealed. In order to confirm the transparency of the clear marble glass, the visible transmittance is measured and the fiber spinning condition is investigated by using high temperature viscosity measurements. A change in the diameter is observed according to the winding speed in the range of 100–900 rpm; it is also verified as a function of the fiberizing temperature in the range of 1200–1260 ℃. The optimum winding speed and spinning temperature are 500 rpm and 1240 ℃, respectively. The properties of the prepared spinning fiber are confirmed using optical microscope, tensile strength, modulus, and alkali-resistant tests.
Keywords: glass composition, fiber diameter, continuous filament fiber, continuous spinning, physical properties
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